One to one leadership coaching

BoldlyGo provides Leadership Development coaching programmes for both aspiring and established leaders


Strengths Profiler (Capp & Co) is a dynamic model, which helps individuals to see exactly where they are now in terms of their realised and unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses. Through a structured debrief, clients explore strengths and identify strategies to maximise them – and to actively create opportunities to utilise unrealised strengths in the context of their desired outcomes, goals or changes.

Contact BoldlyGo

Emerging Leader 

Designed for those new to leadership roles and individuals who have been identified as having leadership potential.  

BoldlyGo coaching which will empower you to: 

  • Understand and play to your strengths – to lead with confidence and conviction 

  • Identify your personal vision and maintain leadership drive in the context of demanding workloads 

  • Identify the blocks and beliefs that are getting in the way of you realising your potential  

  • Uncover your natural leadership voice – and connect with the courage to lead in your own way in challenging situations 

  • Build self- awareness and enhance your emotional intelligence – to understand and improve your impact 


The Leadership Circle 360 (LCP) measures the individual’s Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies— and integrates this information so that key opportunities for development immediately rise to the surface.

It is unique in that it reveals a leader’s Operating System – the internal assumptions (beliefs) that run behaviour. This allows the individual to see how his/her inner world of thought translates into a productive or unproductive style of leadership. Ultimately, the LCP increases the inner awareness that affects outward behaviour.

By shining a light on the underlying thinking patterns that drive their current behaviour clients have access to new choices and possibilities.

Contact BoldlyGo

Evolving Leader 

An insight led coaching approach which enables you to: 

  • Dive deep into exploring your constructive competencies and reactive tendencies informed by Leadership Circle feedback data 

  • Understand the impact of your leadership style on your team and colleagues 

  • Shine a light on the beliefs that limit your leadership effectiveness  

  • Identify the developmental pathway towards positive changes based on informed, conscious choice  

  • Take action


What coaching is and isn’t

It is:

  • A process of reflection, exploration, learning, action and growth
  • A co-created partnership between coach and client
  • About building awareness, conscious choice, change and action
  • Working with what is here now and was is possible and desired in the future

It isn’t:

  • Counselling or therapy which involves reflecting on and processing past events
  • Advice giving – the client is the expert in their own lives and the coach works with them help find their own solutions
  • A passive process (the power of coaching is what happens between the sessions)

Role of the coach is to:

  • Be your co-pilot in your personal + professional development
  • Hold up the mirror to you and reflect back without judgement
  • Hold up the mirror to your behaviours and assumptions without judgement
  • Help gain clarity and focus around desired changes and outcomes
  • Challenge and stretch – holding the biggest set of possibilities for you
  • Say it as it is – help you notice when you are getting in your own way
  • Champion and support you as well as to hold you accountable to yourself
  • Create a confidential and safe space for you to do the work you need to do

 New to Coaching?


How does it work?


Emerging and Evolving Leader coaching programmes are typically comprised of 8 sessions which are delivered on a one to one basis over a 6 month period with coaching sessions taking place every 3-4 weeks to help maintain momentum, maximise accountability and support action. 

BoldlyGo Leadership Coaching is a blend of in person and online/phone coaching. Clients are invited to have some of the coaching sessions outdoors – whether that be in a park, on the riverside or in woods and countryside. This can take the form of “walk and talk” sessions.


Where ever possible face to face coaching takes place in environments which best lend themselves to bringing out the energy and resourcefulness of the client.

BoldlyGo places a particular emphasis on coaching outdoors in open spaces and parks, river side and woodland. Coaching in and around nature and the elements adds another dimension to the coaching process, offering the possibility of different perspectives as well as a change of pace which stimulates more creative and resourceful thinking.

“Walk and talk” sessions have the added advantage of getting you out of the office and getting some exercise while you work!

Looking for personal development coaching?