Team coaching for intact teams
BoldyGo’s team coaching programmes are designed to build positive, productive and aligned teams
BoldyGo’s team coaching programmes are designed to build positive, productive and aligned teams
For larger teams TCI Team Diagnostic provides an easy to interpret data snap shot of where the team is now in terms of productivity and positivity (the latter being team culture/spirit). Using performance indicators such as accountability, decision making, managing resources, goal setting, team alignment, proactivity and team leadership which relate to Team Productivity and indicators including constructive interaction, communication, camaraderie, ideas diversity, respect, trust and optimism which relate to Team Positivity, the Team Diagnostic highlights area of team strength and alignment as well as areas where the team needs to direct it’s attention to be more effective and to deliver results (which is after all what teams exist to do!).
Underpinned by Jung’s work on psychological types, Clarity 4D is a tool that provides insight into individuals preferred way of doing things; it creates a greater awareness of behaviour and the impact of those behaviours on others. The information is presented in an easy to interpret format and provides the opportunity to explore behaviours which are serving the individual and the team well, those which could benefit from some development as well as those which could be minimised or discarded. Clarity 4D uses the language of colour energies and helps bring to life how we can flex our responses to different people and situations.
Teams are complex things. Hidden team dynamics, different personalities, team history, organisational context - all these things have an impact on the effectiveness of a team.
BoldlyGo’s tailored Team Coaching programmes are designed to build positive, productive and aligned teams by:
Revealing the dynamics of the team to the team
Identifying team strengths and building on what’s working well
Empowering the team to identify what derails them and what “better” really looks like
Increasing understanding of individual personalities and drivers
Exploring team values and a developing shared team vision
Building trust and team alignment to boost performance
Developing team “rules of engagement” – a co-created team code
Providing the team with the tools to communicate well and constructively deal with conflict
Team Coaching uses Systems & Constellations approaches; where appropriate we use Clarity 4D Personality Profiling and TCI Team diagnostic tools.
Sarah's unique blend of warmth, insight, and directness in her coaching practice has been a powerful combination.
While I have achieved considerable success in my career, I was always doubting whether I was that good and thinking about what I didn’t do, rather than all the good stuff I had achieved. I have achieved so much more contentment and confidence because of my time with Sarah.
I very much enjoyed working with Sarah. She brings creativity and playfulness to her coaching style, which makes the sessions enjoyable, memorable and never dry.
Regardless of what happens next in my life I’m not sure I’ll ever see myself in the same way as I did before (coaching with Sarah) and will approach life’s challenges with a newly found level of self-belief and fearlessness.
I have hugely enjoyed working with Sarah and have found the coaching sessions have made a significant impact on both my performance and my wellbeing. I gained insights from our sessions that I am using on a daily basis.
I am beginning to understand what being true to myself really is. Thank you for that Sarah, I am positive it will make me a better person and leader.
In the same way as behaviour change happens over time in a one to one coaching relationship, behaviour change in a team happens gradually over time. Team Coaching therefore happens over a series of sessions rather than in “one hit” as a one-off event/workshop. Often the first session is a full day deep dive which is followed up by a series of half day Team Coaching sessions. The stuff that’s really important is the work that the team does together in between the coaching sessions – with a shared accountability for the changes and improvements that the team make together.
The Team Coaching process makes the team responsible for co-creating their own solutions around identified areas of development and utilises the power of the team so that it becomes greater than the sum of it’s parts – and delivers results and strategic outcomes.
When a team comes together a new entity is created which is more than simply the combination of a group of individuals; in the same way that a family might be made up of mother, father and a couple of children who are all individuals but who collectively all create an entity with is “the family” which has it’s own unspoken rules and systemic dynamics. So in team coaching – as well as paying attention to the individuals and how they show up in the team, we also pay attention to the entity which is the “team” and how that functions. Because all are interconnected any action of behaviour of an individual in the team impacts the whole of the team whether that is the intention or not – in the same way as a flock of starlings move with an invisible force each being guided and influenced by the moves of the others.
BoldlyGo uses the following diagnostic tools to support Team Coaching:
For larger teams TCI Team Diagnostic provides an easy to interpret data snap shot of where the team is now in terms of productivity and positivity (the latter being team culture/spirit). Using performance indicators such as accountability, decision making, managing resources, goal setting, team alignment, proactivity and team leadership which relate to Team Productivity and indicators including constructive interaction, communication, camaraderie, ideas diversity, respect, trust and optimism which relate to Team Positivity, the Team Diagnostic highlights area of team strength and alignment as well as areas where the team needs to direct it’s attention to be more effective and to deliver results (which is after all what teams exist to do!).
Underpinned by Jung’s work on psychological types, Clarity 4D is a tool that provides insight into individuals preferred way of doing things; it creates a greater awareness of behaviour and the impact of those behaviours on others. The information is presented in an easy to interpret format and provides the opportunity to explore behaviours which are serving the individual and the team well, those which could benefit from some development as well as those which could be minimised or discarded. Clarity 4D uses the language of colour energies and helps bring to life how we can flex our responses to different people and situations.