Reflecting on the joys of the past year and releasing the stuff that I don’t want following me into the next….

Those who have worked with me for a while will know that I am a big fan of making time around the Winter Solstice (22 December) to reflect on the joys of the past year and to acknowledge and release the stuff that I don’t want following me into the next.

Here’s a flavour of my reflections for 2023 – what are yours?

Joyful things & celebrations…

Having the opportunity to work with the fabulous team at The Quadrangle hosting “Out in the Field” Nature Connection & Wellbeing days for NHS hospital staff; I’m inspired and uplifted by the team and have my eyes and heart opened by the remarkable experiences that are shared.

Visiting Ypres (Belgium) to visit the Menin Gate and visit the WW1 battle grounds with my 86 year old dad – a very educational and moving experience that I was really pleased to have shared with him.

I had total hip replacement surgery at the beginning of November – not something that I was anticipating at the age of 55! Because I’ve got a very energetic dog (German Wirehaired Pointer) I had to draft in dog walkers, neighbours and sometimes delivery people (yes really) to help me keep her exercised and entertained. I’m someone who really doesn’t like to ask people to put themselves out and I’ve been so touched by people’s kindness and really grateful for the support.

I’ve had the privilege to work with some fabulous people this year – these are awesome coaching clients who of course I can’t name check because of confidentiality – your courage, humour and passion really inspire me - you know who are!

Discovering Sophrology. Despite sounding like a well know furniture retailer, this is a practice that cultivates an alert mind in a relaxed body. For years I’d attempted to practice meditation– since I’ve been studying Sophrology I’ve learned progressive relaxation and visualisation techniques which combined with breath work are improving my ability to focus, maintain healthy perspective and manage stress.


I get very cross about the endless disruptions on the trains. It’s a complete waste of my energy. I either need to accept it is what it is or take action and march on parliament…

Trying to make myself something I’m not. I’ve come to realise this year that there some things that are fundamentally who I am and that there are particular things I need in my personal and professional life to be happy. There are things about ourselves we can change and there are things about ourselves that we simply have to accept... Watch this space :-)

Want to do the Winter Solstice activity? Check out my other post…